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World environment day

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Pick us this June and plant a tree

To show our support for World Environment Day on 5th June we've pledged to plant a mangrove tree for everyone who chooses us to either sell or let their home throughout June.

Why mangrove trees? Well, they protect the coast from storms, tsunamis and erosion, filter out pollutants and pluck five times as much carbon from the atmosphere than rainforests. They're also a perfect home for mudskippers, manatees, and alligators. In just over a year, working with our partner Just Move In, we've planted over 1,000 mangrove trees; and this June we aim to plant even more.

At Hamptons, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the communities we serve, and beyond. And doing what we can to minimise our environmental impact is at the heart of that commitment. 

So if you’re thinking of moving, get in touch to request a valuation.

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