Home Heat Conservation Tips This Winter

In this blog, we've curated a list of affordable heat conservation tips to keep your home warm and your pockets happy this winter.

Published under Our blog — Nov 2023
Home Heat Conservation Tips This Winter

We know the comfort of a cosy home is irreplaceable, especially when the cold is knocking at your door. But we also understand that high heating bills can leave you out in the cold. In this blog, we've curated a list of affordable heat conservation tips to keep your home warm and your pockets happy this winter.

Make the most of the natural heater - the sun. On sunny winter days, open your curtains and let the sunlight warm your rooms. But remember to close them as soon as dusk falls to trap the warmth inside.

Small draughts can make a big difference. Inspect your windows, doors and loft hatches for any gaps. Using draught excluders or self-adhesive rubber seals can block the cold air from entering, and keep the warmth where it belongs - inside your home.

Did you know that turning your thermostat down by just 1 degree can save you a significant amount on your energy bill? It might not sound like much, but over the course of the winter, it adds up. And chances are, you won't even notice the difference in temperature.

Investing in good insulation is a smart move. It might seem like a big step, but the savings on your energy bill will make it worthwhile. Your loft, walls and floors are prime areas for heat loss. So, insulate them well and enjoy a cosy, cost-effective winter.

Position your furniture wisely. Make sure your sofas or curtains are not blocking the radiators. The heat should circulate freely in the room. Also, consider using radiator reflectors. They reflect the heat back into the room instead of letting it escape through the walls.

Keeping your home warm doesn't have to burn a hole in your pocket. With these simple and affordable tips, you can enjoy a snug winter without worrying about the cost. After all, a warm home is a happy home.


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